International mesothelioma centers
Friday, November 6, 2009
International Mesothelioma Centers:
Mesothelioma international campaigns are held in various parts of the world with many medical specialists esp., professionals specific to this field. These international program has the team to have a better treatment for the mesothelioma patients and also strive to improve the death rates of the mesothelioma patients.
Due to this program, mesothelioma survivor rates has considerably increased and yes it would be a great news if really a drastic effect occurs on mesothelioma survivors. These program mainly emphasizes the best treatment with a wide variety of knowledge from different doctors involved esp., in mesothelioma researches.
There are many international cancer centers esp., for this mesothelioma. Some are listed below:
International Union Against Cancer (UICC).
Cancer Association of South Africa
Center for Medical Genetics ─ University Hospital Gent
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Center
BC Cancer Agency (British Columbia)
Czech Republic
Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute
Institut Gustave-Roussy ─ Europe's largest cancer center, in Paris
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum ─German Cancer Centre, Heidelberg
Bangalore Institute of Oncology ─ A comprehensive cancer center, Bangalore
National Cancer Center ─ Tokyo
William Hitt Center ─ Tijuana
Saudi Arabia
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre ─ Department of Oncology, largest cancer centre in the Gulf Region
United Kingdom
Cancer Research UK Clinical Centre at Leeds ─ clinical trials, psychosocial oncology, genetic research and screening
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